How Ancient Egyptian Alchemy Influenced the Rest of the World
Time to read 6 min
Time to read 6 min
Alchemy is a multifaceted subject. It is an early form of chemical technology exploring the nature of substances. It is also a philosophy of the cosmos and of mankind's place in the scheme of things.
Alchemy developed an amazing language of emblematic symbolism which it used to explore the world. It had a strong philosophical basis, and many alchemists incorporated religious metaphor and spiritual matters into their alchemical ideas.
While the west produced over four thousand printed books from the 16th through the late 18th centuries in Europe, ancient alchemy has been practiced as a protective, secretive philosophy for thousands of years, developed independently in Ancient China, India, the Middle East, Greece, the Ancient Celts and most notably, Ancient Egypt.
The approach to using Ancient Egyptian Alchemy we take in developing our bioenergized aromatherapeutic products is based on these ancient principles as opposed to the heavily influenced Judeo-Christian religious approach to alchemy that most people are familiar with.
Ancient Egyptian Alchemy is one of the most critical aspects to the founding and evolution of all major ancient and modern human civilizations.
Even today’s modern researchers continue to utilize Ancient Egyptian Alchemy principles. In fact, ALL foundations for all areas of modern science evolved from the principles taught in secret by ancient alchemists.
Ancient Egyptian Alchemists were true polymaths, masters of expansive subject materials, skills and abilities, contributing their intellectual curiosity and endless quests for understanding both the material and immaterial world around us.
Ancient Egyptian Alchemy dramatically influenced the rest of the world's foundations of psychology, chemistry, surgical techniques, philosophy, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, advanced technology, metallurgy, religion, the occult, and personal growth.
Ancient Egyptian Alchemy led to developing advanced knowledge of metallurgy, gold refining and even made artificial silver, gold, gemstones, pearls and other items that appear so chemically identical to the natural thing that it took the translation of various papri that dictated the exact processes of how to form such substances.
Ancient Egyptian Alchemy advanced the preparation of highly complex skin creams, healing elixirs and perfumed oils. Their processes were so advanced, Egypt became renowned for making, trading, exporting and selling these products.
Salves, ointments, incense, perfumes, elixirs, oils, eye shadow, and nail paint protected the skin from the environment and held deep religious significance.
What most people are not aware of, is that in Ancient Egypt, there were a strong and heavily influential collective of female alchemists who also pursued science, astronomy, astrology, medicine, engineering, metallurgy and business.
The level of Ancient Egyptian Alchemy was so advanced in medical and technological practices is mind-blowing even today as we continue to uncover their advanced technological feats.
Ancient Egyptian Alchemists understood that any illness or a wound can be tread by using complex recipes involving resins, sacred woods, essential oils, & macerated herbs more than 6,000 years ago.
They knew the powerful healing abilities in energy healing, massage and aromas.
Both male and female Egyptian alchemists specialized in different areas of medicine and more importantly understood the importance of cleanliness while treating the patients.
Ancient Egyptian Alchemy required doctors to practice advanced sanitation rituals indicating their early understanding of the concept of germs, which modern science didn't begin to understand until the 19th century CE!
All these factors and medical procedures ensured the mortality rate in Ancient Egypt was far less than any hospital in the Christian era until the mid 20th century. All thanks to the influence and research of Ancient Egyptian Alchemy!
Ancient Egyptian Medicine was heavily influenced by the practice of Alchemy and was extensively documented from the 33rd century BC until 525 BC.
One of the documents was a passage in 800 BC where it states "the Egyptians are far more skilled in medicine than any of humankind" and "the Egyptians were skilled in medicine more than any of other art forms, including their secretive practices of metallurgy”.
In 440 BC, the Greek historian Herodotus wrote extensively of the advanced alchemical, medicinal & surgical practices of the Egyptians.
Even Pliny the Elder wrote heavily in favor the Egyptian doctors, urging Greeks to go and learn from these esteemed, female alchemists.
Many great greek names studied medicine under the tutelage of women doctors and alchemists in ancient Egypt; such as Galen and Hippocrates, Herophilos and many others.
These Greeks praised the contribution of Ancient Egyptian expertise to Greek medicine and were able to study Ancient Egyptian Alchemy texts, beliefs and pass their extensive knowledge on to others.
Ancient Egyptian doctors were referred to as "Wabau" which means ritually pure.
Wabau were both alchemists and priests who knew every form of magical healing from plants to energy healing.
The earliest recorded physicians in the world was a WOMAN. Her name was Hesy-Ra who was the "Chief of Dentists and Physicians" to Pharaoh Djoser of the 27th century BC.
The lady Peseshet (2400 BC) is the first recorded female doctor who might have been the mother of Akhethotep.
She was known as Imy-R Swnwt according to her tomb, which translates to "Lady overseer of the lady Physicians".
Alchemy, science, medicine and religion walked hand in hand with women and these advances were led by WOMEN during the ancient Egyptian civilization!
These female alchemists had life-altering, history-changing, profound influences on today's world's technology and medical advances!
The Egyptian believed that the cause of any disease were dark energies, angry spirits, curses or punishment for bad actions and was treated as a by certain incantations, aromatic oils, elixirs, macerated herbs, offerings, tattoos, amulets like the Eye of Horus, the knot of Isis and many other items believed to contain powerful energy healing qualities.
Praying to a Goddess such as Sekhmet or Isis, or Heka the god of magic who carried a staff entwined with two serpents, could help the patient heal quickly.
Herbs & essential oils played a vital role in the healing of many diseases and infection in ancient times. They would mix these complex combinations of herbs, roots, bark, oils and resins in a ritual manner to be taken or used as elixirs or massage oils.
Some of the most used were:
As you can see many of these herbs, woods and resins, retain their same qualities and uses today.
Most Ancient Egyptian doctors were women and alchemists who understood the mysterious connection between the complex issues of the human body, mind, and soul, the supernatural world and the hidden power of nature.
Egyptians declared medicine as a necessary alchemical practice.
Thus, women Egyptian doctors were the absolute elite in ancient society and renowned all over the ancient world for their exceptional skill in healing.
Ancient Egyptian Alchemists were the only reason for the rise of any legitimate medical and alchemical practice in the ancient world.