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ABUNDANCE Bioenergized Anointing Ritual Oil

ABUNDANCE Bioenergized Anointing Ritual Oil

Regular price $65.00 CAD
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Manifest within your day to day life with the help of our Magick Bioenergized Activator while obstacles are  cleared out your way to help off set your manifestations.

Scent Profile: Sacred ancient resins aged from Kerala, India known to dramatically increase abundance blended with spices, spruce, myrrh, patchouli, and refreshing citrus notes. 

Bioenergized with specific ancient sanskrit tantric frequencies known to dramatically increase abundance radically then carefully aged for six months following the ancient traditions of tantric elixirs. 

Helps to manifest abundance in all areas of life such as prosperity, love, your goals or intentions etc.

✨Helps to bring in achievements
✨Clears Obstacles
✨Holds high positive vibes to keep your spirits up
✨Great for exams or tests to Manifests good results
✨Helps to calm nerves, stress & alleviation from anxiety
elp your intentions come through.
✨Helps to bring in you desires (positive desires only!)
✨Brings balance and grounding to support your manifesting.
✨Manifests good things into your life
✨Helps visualization and meditations

Abundance oil can be worn as a body oil, anointed on candles or applied to body as a fragrance attraction oil on your neck, wrists or clothing.

Abundance Oil is made up of rare sacred oils, resins and absolutes carefully bioenergized with the frequencies of abundance, prosperity and love, then placed in a charging container for 40 days and nights filled with over 300 crystals to enhance its power to draw all your desires to you. 

Apply to the corners of dollar bills,  your checkbook, credit cards, computer, phone, invoices, and anoint business contracts. Anoint your vehicle, presentations and other items before going to your next business meeting. Anoint your pillow or apply to your skin prior to engaging with a loved one. 


◆ Alchemyst Co packaging is designed to protect from all forms of harmful UV light and degradation to preserve the integrity and increase our shelf-life.

◇ Every product is made of 100% pure, lab-tested, certified organic natural ingredients, including our perfumes.

◆ Each product carefully bioenergized and polarized using our proprietary technology to imbue specific frequencies for maximum efficacy.

◇ 100% Cruelty free. No animal testing. No petrochemicals. No parabens. No sulfates. No phthalates. No toxic preservatives or harmful substances.

◆ FDA DISCLAIMER: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


◇ Our compositions are lab-tested, certified organic and contain no artificial fragrances, phalates, petrochemicals, carcinogens, or toxic artificial preservatives or fixatives.

◇ Please refer to the packaging insert for complete details.


This is an anointing oil - Apply to the corners of dollar bills before you use, your checkbook, credit cards, computer, phone, invoices, and anoint business contracts. Anoint your vehicle, presentations and other items before going to your next business meeting.

Perfume oil, unlike alcohol-based perfumes, wear closer to the skin. It warms on your body, adapts to your body's biochemistry, and creates a halo of scent on the body. It takes at times an hour or longer to truly unfold. In addition, the bioenergetic frequencies further interact with your own biofield, creating additional interest and shifts.

Perfume oil can be applied throughout the day as a personal aromatic ritual.

External Use Only. Keep away from children and pets. Discontinue use should irritation occur.

Please see product insert info card for full directions.


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