Alchemy and Ancient Egypt

The Goddess of 10,000 Names
Isis 'of ten thousand names' was known in Ancient Egypt as the supreme Goddess and the Mother Creator of Magic, Miracles and Alchemy.
The worship of Isis became the world’s first universal religion, which expanded rapidly throughout the ancient world. In fact, her faith expanded far more rapidly than all other religions that followed hers.
Ancient teachings emphasize her political savvy, cunning, power, limitless compassion, miraculous ability to heal, and her polymathic knowledge of medicine, alchemy, science and magic.
As the Lady of Magic, Isis is the patroness, embodiment, and most-potent wielder of the power of heka, the creator of Alchemy and ritual magic.
It is often stated in western texts that Thoth taught Isis everything she knew about magic, alchemy and manifestation (creation).
However, in various ancient texts, we have found translations that reveal it was Isis who taught Thoth how to master magic, medicine, and alchemy.
In Ancient Egyptian texts, no other diety speaks more than Isis. She taught her people, offering direct access to her HeKa and limitless knowledge.
Thoth named her the Mistress of Magic, Creatrix of the Universe.
"There is nothing that Isis does not know in heaven or earth."
By chanting Isis' name, one could immediately activate and channel her HeKa into their life, infusing their alchemical elixirs and ritual practices for greater power and potency.

The Alchemy of Healing Through Ritual
Ritual /ˈrɪtʃʊəl/ - a ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order
Rituals are a set of prescribed actions steeped in tradition, purpose and passion. They are ceremonies that reminds us that the meaning of life is far larger than ourselves; they invoke healing, transformation, and imbue us with a deepening connection to the divine.
Ritual is a powerful practice to bring about our heart's deepest desires.
Ritual was such a critical component of daily Egyptian life, that every action, from daily cleansing of the face and body, to application of wigs, creams and makeup, to eating, working and drinking, was part of the ritual of life and death for many Egyptians.
Ancient Egyptian doctors were considered powerful magicians, priests and alchemists who maintained encyclopedic knowledge of illnesses and the necessary surgical procedures, herbs, oils, teas and especially the rituals to help their patients heal.
Isis was one of the most potent Gods to whom physicians appealed and worked with. Through ritual, ancient physicians would channel her HeKa into their various medical practices.

The Ancient World's Most Powerful Physicians and Healers
The depth of Ancient Egyptian physicians' knowledge of the human body, their advanced practices and their holisitic approach to balancing mind, body and spirit was mind-blowing.
Ancient Egyptian doctors understood that any illness or a wound can be tread by using alchemically prepared pharmaceuticals they researched and developed more than 5,000 years ago.
They recognized the healing power of vibration, light, bathing, massage, homeopathy, herbs, and aromatherapy.
They understood the need for cleanliness & sanitation while treating patients and had an advanced understanding of anatomy and physiology demonstrated through their surgical prowess.
Ancient Egypt's mortality rate was lower than that of any other in the ancient world and continued to be lower than that of any other civilization, even in mordern day.
Ancient Egyptian doctors could be male or female and held in equal regard as powerful and influential. Merit-Ptah and Peseshet were two such female physician/priests.
Queen Hatshepsut founded several medical schools and encouraged women to pursue medicine as a vocation.
Women in Egypt continued to exercise power & authority in medicine and the sciences until the 4th century CE.